Friday 12 February 2016

The Control Systems

The Control Systems
·        What is coordination?Ø
(The ability of the body to use its different parts together smoothly and efficiently as well as to interact with the external environment is called coordination.) 
·        What is nervous system made up of?
(The nervous system is made up ofØ nervous tissues)
·        What are the functions of sensory neurons and motor neurons?Ø
(Sensory neurons transmit messages or nerve impulses from the sense organs to the brain or spinal cord and motor neurons transmit messages or nerve impulses from the brain and spinal cord to organs, muscles or glands.)
·        Which part of the nervous system increases the activity of an organ to meetØ requirements of the body?
(sympathetic autonomic nervous system)
·        Which part of the peripheral nervous system is responsible for coordinatingØ
body movements and receiving external stimuli from the sense organs and muscles?
(somatic nervous system)
·        Which part of the brain controls involuntary actions reflex actions such asØ sneezing, coughing and vomiting?
(medulla oblongata)  If you touch a hot object, you immediately remove your hand. Which senseØ organ helps you to feel the temperature of an object?


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