Wednesday 20 January 2016

The Teen Years

The Teen Years
Ø What is meant by adolescence?
(adolescence is the period of life when the body undergoes changes leading
to reproductive maturity)
Ø Give examples of any three secondary sexual characters that are seen in
human males.
(the secondary sexual characters seen in human males are development of
facial hair such as beard and moustache, development of hair on the chest,
in armpits and the pubic region, increased size of the larynx seen as the
Adam’s apple)
Ø Give examples of any two secondary sexual characters that are seen in
human females.
 (the secondary sexual characters seen in human females are development of breasts and broadening of the hip region, growth of hair in the armpits and pubic region)
Ø What is menopause?
 (in females, the menstrual cycle comes to an end around the age of 45 -50 years and this phase is called menopause)
Ø What is endometrium?
(the endometrium is the inner layer or inner lining of the uterus)
Ø What may happen to the endometrium in the absence of progesterone?
(In the absence of progesterone, the endometrium remains thin and inactive).

Father+ mother

ØWhat do you observe?
  (the given family has 3 daughters and no son)
Ø Which type of chromosomes determinescharacteristics of the individual,
 Such as height,colour of eyes etc.?
ØWhich type of chromosomes determines gender of a child?
 (sex chromosomes)
ØHow is zygote formed?
(The zygote is formed by the fusion of the egg cell from the mother and the sperm cell from the father)
ØWhat will happen if the sperm taking part in fertilization carries X chromosome?
 (the zygote will develop into a female child)

ØIt is necessary to provide the body with good nutrition, proper exercise and
adequate rest during the period of adolescence.Why?
Adolescence is the age of rapid physical and mental growth leading to development
;therefore it is necessary to provide the body with good nutrition, proper exercise and adequate rest during the period of adolescence.

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