Monday 29 February 2016

Our Flora and Faunas

Have you ever noticed that, some specific bird species are seen in
Wildlife sanctuaries or national parks in summer seasons only?
ØWhy these birds are seen only in specific months in these
wildlife sanctuaries or national parks.
What is reforestation?
(Reforestation is the process of turning a destroyed forest back into a forest)
ØWhat is species?
(A species is a group of living organisms consisting of similar
individuals who are capable of interbreeding and reproducing a fertile
offspring of the same species.)
ØGive example of any five living organisms that can be classified under the category ‘flora’.
ØGive example of any five living organisms that can be classified under the category ‘fauna’.
(answer may vary, accept all correct answers)
ØWhat is deforestation? (Deforestation is cutting down or clearing of forest areas.)
ØWhat causes deforestation?
Deforestation may take place either due to human activities or due to natural causes.
ØWe cut down forest and get wood required for fuel. How do we get coal and
petroleum products?
(by coal mining or oil mining processes we dig out coal and petroleum products)
Mining is generally carried out in forest areas and huge amounts of forest area are destroyed for this activity.
.This leads to habitat destruction and death of most of floral and faunal species of those forest areas.
ØWe are benefited by clearing forest,as weget fuel, food,medicine,space for making houses, raw
materials for making furniture as well as for industries.
Do you think the practice of cutting forest have any negative effects on
human beings? If yes, how?
ØAs we now know the devastating effects of destruction of forest and its resources.
How can we conserve our forest and wildlife resources?
ØIn which countries do you find dogs and cats?
(in almost all the countries of the world)
ØWhere do you find kangaroos? (Australia)
ØWhere do you find polar bears? (Arctic regions)the categorieson which IUCN is classifying living organisms.The status and existence of various plants, animals and other species in nature is assessed from time to time by different organisations. The Red
Data Book is the source book in which a record of all endangered plants,animals and other species is maintained. There are different red data books forplants, animals and other species.
ØWhy do you think there is a need of Red data book?
The Red Data Book provide scientific information on the status of different species in order to preserve and manage them,
ØWhat is endemic species?(endemic species is one that is only found in that region and nowhere else in the world)
ØWhat are extinct species? Give example of a species that is now extinct.
(Plant and animal species which once existed on Earth but are no longer seen are called extinct
species.Example: dodo)
Find out the meaning of each of the following IUCN categories:
üExtinct in the wild(EW)
üNear threatened(NT)
üLeast concern(LC)
üData deficient(DD)
üNot evaluated(NE)
ØHow many of you have been to any wildlife sanctuary or national park?
(instruct the students to raise their hands who have been to any wildlife
sanctuary or national park)
ØHave you ever noticed that, some specific bird species are seen in wildlife sanctuaries or national parks in summer seasons only? (yes/no)
ØWhy these birds are seen only in specific months in these wildlife sanctuariesor national parks?, many living organisms move from their natural habitat to faraway places during aparticular time of year. This seasonal movement of living organisms is called migration.,

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