Monday 2 November 2015

Social Science- History- Indian Renaissance

Indian Renaissance

Extra Questions
1.    What was the condition of women in the early nineteenth century? (At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the position of women was very miserable. In this period, female infanticide, child marriage, marriages between young girls and aged men, prohibition of widow remarriage, dowry system, purdah system, sati, slavery and polygamy were the main social evils affecting the position of women. (Sati was one of the barbaric practices prevalent during the time in which a widow burnt herself on the funeral pyre of her husband). They were deprived of social and economic rights.’)
2.    Why was caste system a curse to society? ( It created social divisions in the society, which was largely based on exploitation, inequality and injustice)
3.    What was the attitude of the educated Indians towards the social evils prevalent in India during the nineteenth century? (The educated Indians influenced by a spirit of rationalism began to inquire and argue before accepting anything. The superstitious beliefs and practices were examined by applying scientific knowledge. They felt an urgent need to reform the Indian society in order to bring out nation’s progress.
4.    Why is Syed Ahmad Khan’s role important in the Muslim reform movement? (Sir Syed Ahmed Khan opposed the ignorance, superstitions and evil practices such as purdah system, polygamy and the Muslim system of divorce. He also emphasized the value of education for women. He opened the Aligarh Muslim University. He Founded translation society for translating  books from English to Urdu. He firmly believed that acquisition of Western education and science would be significant for the progress of Muslim society.)
5.    Explain the role of the Singh Sabha in Sikh reforms. (He worked to promote education in the Sikh society. It sought to rid Sikhism from the prevailing superstitious and caste distinctions and to bring modernization.)
6.    List the important changes brought about by the Parsi reforms. (1) The Pardah system was abolished. 2) Campaigned against the child marriage. 3) The spread of education, especially among girls also made good progress.)
7.    What did the Book ‘Stree-Purush Tulana’ written by Tarabai Shinde criticise? (Criticised the social differences between men and women.)
8.    How did the Sharda Sadan established by Pandita Ramabai help women? (She wrote a book which showed the miserable condition of upper-caste Hindu women. She established the Sharda Sadan to provide shelter and help to widows by training them to support them economically.)
9.    How did Begum Rokeya contribute to women education? (Begum Rokeya set up schools for muslim girls in Patna and Kolkatta. She fearlessly criticized conservative ideas and argued about the inferior place accorded to women by the religious leaders of every faith.

Name the following:
1.    Reformers who established the Prarthana Samaj. (Dr. Atmaram Pandurang, M. G. Ranade and R. G. Bhandarkar)
2.    The two types of reforms supported by the Prarthana Samaj. (Theistic worship and social reforms)
3.    The person who started an all India reform movement to fight against child marriage and purdah system. (M. G. Ranade)
4.    The person who started a girls’ school at Pune with the support of his wife Savitribai. (Mahatma Jotirao Phule)
5.    The book written by Mahatma Jotirao Phule which he dedicated to all the Americans who had fought to free slaves. (Gulamgiri)
6.    Two organisation founded by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar to fight the cause of the downtrodden. (All India Scheduled Caste Federation and Bahishkrut Hitkarini Sabha)
7.    The temple Dr. N.R. Ambedkar wanted entry for the dalits. (Kalaram Temple at Nashik)
8.    The place where the significant satyagraha to assert the right of the untouchables to draw water was made by Dr. Ambedkar. (Chavdar lake in Mahad)
9.    The person who established Shree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam to carry out social reforms. - Sri Narayan Guru
10. The message given by Sri Narayan Guru- (‘One Religion, one Caste, and one God for mankind’).
11. The reformer who championed the cause of widow remarriage and female education in Andhra Pradesh. (Kandukuri Veerasalingam Pantulu)
12. The reformer who started the Self Respect Movement. – (E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker)

13. The two cultures subjugated by the Brahmins according to Periyar. – (original Tamil and Dravidian culture)

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