Wednesday 28 October 2015

The Radiance of Light

 The Radiance of Light
 Ø Why is it that he/she couldn’t see every one of us, even when the room is lit/has light?
Because  his/her eyes were closed.
 Ø Then why can’t we see in the dark even with our eyes open?
Because there is no light, we cannot see without light, light makes things visible.
 light must enter our eyes for us to see things around us.
 luminous objects non- luminous objects emit their own light
 Stars like sun, fireflies, lamp, lasers lighted candle, LED etc
Objects do not emit their own light
 Satellites like moon and earth, table, books etc.
 Ø What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘light’?
Sun, see, visible, energy, light rays, absence of darkness, lamps, etc.
 light is a form of energy that gives us the sensation of sight. An object is visible to us only when the light falling on the object is reflected. The reflected light reaches our eyes which makes the object visible.
What enables you to see things during the day?
Ø What do you do to see things during the night or in the dark?
Use light bulbs, candles, tube light, lamp, torch, etc.
 Ø Which of the objects shown here give out light on their own?
 Sun, firefly, lamp, stars, glow worm, bulb
 Ø What do you understand by the word ‘natural’?
Something that is present naturally in the environment
Ø What do you understand by the word ‘artificial’?
Anything that is made by human beings, is artificial.
Ø Name some natural sources of light that you see here.
Sun, stars, firefly, glow- worm
 Ø Name some natural sources of light that you see here.
Torch,  bulb, lamp etc.
The Moon reflects the light of the Sun falling on it i.e. the moonlight. Hence the moon is a non luminous object.
Ø What is rectilinear propagation of light?
Light travels in a straight line and this is known as rectilinear propagation of light.
 Ø Explain how are objects visible to us?
Objects are visible to us only when the light falling on the objects is reflected. The reflected light reaches our eyes which makes the objects visible.
 Ø What is the difference between luminous and non-luminous objects?
Luminous  objects emit their own light whereas non- luminous objects do not emit their own light.
 Ø Why is the moon a non-luminous object?
Because it does not have its own light
Ø How is it then possible for us to see the moon in the night?
Because it reflects the light of the sun
If an object does not emit light, it should reflect light in order to be seen, for example the wall of the room you are in do not emit light, they reflect the light from the ceiling lights overhead.
-          Define Reflection of light:
Bouncing back of light from a surface is called reflection of light.
 →Incoming light ray that hits the surface of an object is called the incident ray
→ The ray which is reflected back after hitting the surface of an object is called the reflected ray
 →The point where the incident ray falls on a surface is called point of incidence
->What is angle of reflection?
The angle between the normal and the reflected ray is called angle of reflection
Ø Will a polished metal surface reflect light in the same manner as that of the rough wooden surface? Why?
No, because the surface of the of polished metal is smooth whereas the surface of wood is rough/ not smooth, irregular.
Regular or specular  reflection takes place in objects having polished surface and diffused or irregular reflection takes place in objects having rough surface.
 Ø When is a multiple image of an object formed?
When two plane mirrors are placed together at an inclination on one of their edges, they together form multiple images of the object.
Ø Name two devices based on multiple reflection.
Kaleidoscope and Periscope
 Ø What is a periscope?
 It is an optical device that is commonly used in submarines to view the happenings on the surface of the water while sitting under water.
 Ø Name the famous scientist who first showed that white light is a mixture of several  colours ?
 Sir Isaac Newton
 Ø What is the phenomenon of splitting of white light into its constituent colours called?
Dispersion of light
 Ø What happens when a ray of light travels from one medium to the other such as from air to solid and back to air?
When a ray of light travels from one medium to the other, it bends from its original direction. This phenomenon is called refraction of light.
 Ø Which among air or glass is an optically denser medium?
Ø The speed of the light will be greater in water, air or glass?
 In air
Ø What happens to a ray of light when it passes from an optically rarer to an optically denser medium?
The ray slows down and bends towards the normal.
Ø Which colours in the visible light bend more sharply when the pass from air to glass?
Purple/ violet and blue
Ø What is the shape of the eye?
Ball, oval
Ø What will happen if a person accidently hurt his/her eyes?
May go blind, vision is damaged, cannot see.
The eyelids act as the shutter of the eye that protects them from the injury the human eye is made up of three transparent layer ® Outermost layer or fibrous tunic composed of cornea and sclera ® Middle layer or vascular tunic consists of choroid, ciliary body and iris ® Innermost layer is the retina
Ø What is persistence of vision?
The image produced in the human eye is retained for approximately one twenty- fifth of a second after the object is removed.
Ø Name the vision defects.
Myopia or shortsightedness, hyperopia or farsightedness.
Ø How hyperopia or farsightedness is corrected?
Hyperopia or farsightedness is corrected by using convergent lens.
 Ø What is diabetic retinopathy?

In this condition the retina of the eye gets damaged due to high sugar content of the blood in the blood vessels.

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