Monday 2 November 2015

English - Songs Of innocence

 Comprehension questions
  What was the piper doing? Who did he meet? (Piper was merrily going around playing
his pipe. He met a child who appeared in the cloud.)

 What did the child ask piper to do? ( Child asked him to pipe a song of Lamb and th

child asked him to pipe it again and again)
 What was the child’s reaction? ( He wept with joy after hearing the song)
  List the rhyming words in the first three stanzas. ( wild-child, glee-me, cheer-hear)
 What is the mood of the poem according to the vocabulary? ( The vocabulary is

restricted and simple – ‘piping', ‘happy', ‘merry', ‘pleasant', ‘glee', ‘laughing', ‘joy'. All this

suggests a happy mood at the surface of things)

 Is this poem thought provoking? ( Yes)  Which rhyme scheme is followed in these stanzas? ( stanza 1 follows traditional abab pattern where as stanza 2 and 3 follow abcb pattern)
 What is a pastoral Poem? ( It is poetry that deals with the lives of sheperds and other

countery folk. Countryside is glorified)

 What is the title of the poem? (Song of Innocence-Introduction))

 Are opening and closing lines of poem significant?( Yes, the poem opens on ahppy

note and ends with a hopeful note)

 What is the setting of the poem? ( It a rural pastoral setting amidst the beauty of


 What is the mood of the poem? Is it cheerful, jolly, happy,mysterious, festive,

provocative, hopeful or thoughtful? ( it is happy and hopeful)

 What is the tone of the poem? ( is it a satiric, serious, playful,teasing or somber? ( It is


 What is the theme? ( Innocence of children is very cheerful and contagious)

*** Figures of speech:


Piping down the valleys wild, Piping songs of pleasant glee, Alliteration: Piper, pipe that song again.

So I piped

Metaphor: And I made a rural pen

Personification: And I stained the water clear

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