Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Continuity in Animal Life

The Continuity in Animal Life
·         What does the term ‘reproduction’ mean?
               Reproduction means producing new individual of the same kind.
·         Why is reproduction essential to living organisms?
Reproduction is essential to living organisms as it helps in continuation of a species.
·          Why is reproduction essential to living organisms?
Reproduction is essential to living organisms as it helps in continuation of a species.
·          What is asexual reproduction?
One parent can produce a new individual of its own kind.
·         Name some common form of asexual reproduction seen plants.
Fragmentation, vegetative propagation, tissues culture.
Processes like budding, fission are examples of which mode of reproduction in animals Asexual reproduction is seen  commonly in lower organisms like hydra, starfish and in microorganisms like amoeba, yeast, etc.
·          Does asexual mode of reproduction need two different organisms / parents to produces an offspring?
·         Name the mode of reproduction that needs two different parents, one male and a female to produce an offspring?
Sexual  reproduction.
·         What is the function of the testes?
The testes produce male gametes called sperms.
·          What are the three parts of a sperm?
A   head, a  mid piece  and a tail
·         What is the function of the penis?
It transfers the sperms to the female reproductive system.
·          What is the function of the ovaries?
The ovaries produce the female gamete i.e. egg or ova.
·         Which organ of the female reproductive system does the development of the baby takes place?
Uterus .
·          Where are the testes located?
      Inside  the scrotum/ scrotal sac.
·         Name the male reproductive gametes produced by the testes.
Sperms .
·          Name the female reproductive gametes produced by the ovaries.
       Ova/ eggs.
·          What is the process called in which the fusion of the sperm and the ovum takes place?
·         What is the function of the vagina?
It receives the sperms from male.
·         Which part of the male reproductive system transfers sperms to the female reproductive system?
The penis
·          Which part of the female reproductive system does the process of   fertilization  take place?    Fertilisation   takes place in the oviducts or fallopian tubes of the female.
·          Name the single celled structure that is formed as result of fusion of male and female gametes during   fertilization .
·         Which part of the female reproductive system does fertilisatio occur?
in the oviduct/ fallopian tube.
·          Explain the process of fertilization?
·         The process of fusion of male gamete with female gamete to  produce a zygote is called fertilization.
·         Which of the animals   lay eggs?
Mosquito, butterfly, turtle, frog, hen and fish
·         What is the young one of a frog called?


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