Sunday 16 October 2016


‘Biotechnology is the application of scientific techniques to modify and improve plants, animals, and microorganisms to enhance their value.’

Objective: The students will be able to:
·         define the term biotechnology
·         analyze the importance of biotechnology in the field of agriculture
·         state the different applications of biotechnology in agriculture

Material Required: (each material per group)
To be sourced by the students: scrapbook, gum, pictures of plants that are used in making edible vaccines, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and golden rice, a pair of scissors, sketch pens
(Note: materials other than the scrap book may vary as per the students’ discretion)

Preparation prior to session:
·         Inform the students to find out the following:
®    What are edible vaccines?
®    name any two diseases that can be eradicated by edible vaccines
®    Why did the bacteriologists use the bacteria named Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) for controlling plant pests?
®    one advantage and one disadvantage of using Bt for pest control
®    What is golden rice?
®    Why was golden rice developed?

·         Suggested  reference links for  the students:
 (Note: inform students that they may also search encyclopaedias, library books, newspapers for more information)

Procedure to carry out the project:
Inform students to:
1.    Write the name of the topic allotted to them in the scrap book.
2.    Paste the picture cut outs in the scrapbook.
3.    Research on the assigned criteria and collect related information and pictures (related to pointer questions) in order to create the scrap book presentation.
4.    Orally talk about their scrapbook presentation in the class.
5.    Draw an inference based on their observations and research about biotechnology.

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