Thursday 27 July 2017

History ch- 2 Beginning of Colonial Rule in India (Extra questions)

History ch- 2 Beginning of Colonial Rule in India

1. The first European power to establish control in the western coast of India.

2.Two places captured by the Portuguese.
Diu, Bassein, and Mangalore

3. Two places captured by the Dutch.
Masulipatam, Pulicat, Surat, Nagapatnam and Cochin.

4. The charter signed by Queen Elizabeth granting monopoly to the East India Company to trade with East India.
Royal Charter

5. The person successful in getting permission from Jahangir for setting up factories.
Sir Thomas

6. The city that came under the East India Company after it was given as dowry to British Prince Charles II. Bombay

7. The fortified factory at Sutanati.
Fort William.

8. The two European powers involved in Carnatic wars.
British and French

9.  Name the two rival troops of the Battle of Plassey.
Siraj-ud-Daulah and British

10. Why was the Battle of Plassey war fought?
British did not follow rules set by Siraj-ud-Daulah. Mir Jafar turned traitor and British used this internal conflict to declare war on Siraj-ud- Daulah

11. What was the result of the battle of Plassey?
Siraj-ud daulah fled battlefield. Mir Jafar was made Nawab of Bengal by the British.

12. Name the two rival troops of the Battle of Buxar.
Company forces and joint forces Mir Qasim and his allies.

13.  Why was the Battle of Buxar war fought?
Mir Qasim realised his dependence on the Company and tried to free himself from its control.

14. What was the result of the battle of Buxar?
Defeat of Mir Qasim and Mir Jafar reinstated.

15. who was Raja Ravi Varma ? 
Raja Ravi Varma was an Indian painter and artist from the princely state of Travancore who achieved recognition for his paintings depicting scenes from Indian literature and mythology including the epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana.


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