Friday, 28 April 2017

Class 8- Social Science Holiday Homework

Holiday Homework (2017-18)
Class : VIII                                                                                                           Subject :Social Science
Name : ___________________________________                                                  Roll No: _____


Answer the following
1. Why did British preserve official document?
2. What do you understand by the term colonialism?
3. With what did the British historians associate the modern period?
4. Where was the National Museum and National Archives built?
5. Which person produced the first map of India under the British?
6. What do you understand by resources?
7. What are the two physical factors that affect the distribution of natural resources?
8. Give two main characteristics of resources.
9. Differentiate between Ubiquitous and Localized resources.
10. What are our duties to maintain and preserve the resources?
Fill in the blanks
1. In the earlier years of the nineteenth century the documents were carefully.......... and beautifully written by.........................

2. In 1946 the colonial............  in India was trying to put down the mutiny broke out on the ships of.....................................

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