Wednesday 13 July 2016

Syllabus - FA -2

English Prose The Prisoner of Zenda (An Extract)The Luncheon  Poem – Lochinvar ,The Arrow and the Song SR There are Heroisms all Around us,Try your Luck with Professor Challenger,He is a Perfectly Impossible Person Grammar- Sentences ,Nouns Determiners and Articles,Kinds of PronounsFormation of Adjectives and Compound Adjectives,Prefix and SuffixComposition -Comprehension ,Notice Writing,Message Writing,Informal Letter

Maths - Rational Numbers, Exponents
            Algebraic Expressions, Linear Equations in one Variable

Science-  Chapter 1: Food Sources and Us ,Ch 12: Forces in Action Ch 13: Friction- A Necessary Evil Ch 8: Fuel, Fire and Flame Ch 6:  The World of Elements,Portion from the book Activity plus in Science for grade 8 Activity 4.4

Soc.Science -Traces of Modern Indian History ,Beginning of Colonial Rule in India,Agrarian Policies of the British, Tribal Societies  and the Colonial Rule,Indian Constitution: A Revelation,Earth’s Store House,Crustal Resource – Soil, The Blue Resource

Hindi – पाठ हेलन केलर,दक्षता  कविता हमारा देश व्याकरण संधि,उपसर्ग,प्रत्यय,समास,
रचना अनुच्छेद लेखन,अपठित गद्यांश,संवाद लेखन,पत्र लेखन (अनौपचारिक),अपठित पद्यांश 
लहर कहानी संग्रह सिक्का 
Computer- Computer Networks,Google Sketch Up8  
Gujarati  SFjI ! D\U, D\lNZ BM,M , ;J"GFD,5F9 Z o VDLZ SM6
5F9 o # T5[,F DZL UIF , ;DFGFYL", SFjI o$ CTM C]\ ;}TM 5FZ6[ 5]+

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