Tuesday 25 August 2015


English : -Prose:The Blue Carbuncle,Madame Cama The Lost World, (Chapters 4 – 7) Poetry:Ozymandias,The Inchcape Rock Grammar: Verbs – Transitive and Intransitive ,Verbs – Auxiliaries and Modals, Verbs – Non Finite Verbs ,Verbs – Tenses, Verbs – Regular, irregular, reporting Verbs ,Subject – Verb Agreement  Composition:Comprehension,Biographical Sketch Data Interpretation, Descriptive Writing ,Informal Letter

Mathematics - Ch: 8 – Understanding Shapes,Ch: 2 – Square and Square Roots,Ch: 3 – Cubes and Cube RootsCh: 9 – 3 – D Visualization, Ch: 11 – Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 

Social Science : History & Civics:The Great Uprising of 1857 ,Colonialism and Urbanisation,Craft and Industries Under the British Rule ,Fundamental Rights and Duties,Directive Principles of State Policy Geography:Earths Farm House, Minerals and Power Resources

Science :  Ch 4:  Life under Microscope,Ch 2:  Cell- The Building Block of Life,Ch 3:   Tissues: Cells in UnisonCh 16:  Natural Forces, Ch 14:  The Music of Sound Energy

Computer :  Ch2 Google Sketch Up8,Drawing and Modifying 3D models,
Components within Google Sketch Up, Ch3 Layers in GIMP 2.8 

Hindi-paz maaÐ,svaamaI ivavaokanaMd kivata -tuma hmaarI caaoiTyaaoM kI baÔ- kao mat yaUÐ kurodao 
vyaakrNa -saM&a,ilaMga ,vacana,kark,sava-naama,mauhavaro,rcanaa-inabaMQa laoKna,
p~laoKna ³AaOpcaairk´,Apizt gad\yaaMSa³punaÁAByaasa´,Apizt pd\yaaMSa³punaÁAByaasa´
lahr khanaI  [Md`QanauYa,gavaah kaOnaÆ 

Gujarati - pa# :Ð-ibrbl nI yuikt pa#- Ñ padr, Vyakr`-il>g, kaVy- Ê  ih>d mata ne s>bae2n,  Paa#-Î leq` zalI nae rhI,  Vyakr`-ivramichnae  s>xa, svRnam 

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